Eric Holder and Barack Obama are the modern version of The Marx Brothers. Obama said earlier this year in an interview that he knew absolutely nothing about Operation Fast and Furious, that he did not authorize it, that AG Eric Holder knew nothing about it beforehand, and that Holder did not authorize it.
We are supposed to feel good because we have a couple of buffoons in charge of our Federal Enforcement agencies? Remember, these are the people who want to shut down gun shows because terrorists buy guns there, and because the drug cartel gets their guns there. Seems like the Federal Government is the group seeing to it that the cartel gets guns. Do you reckon Groucho's and Harpo's underlings are also supplying guns to Al Qaeda? Without Groucho's and Harpo's knowledge, of course. So far, I don't think anyone has been disciplined, fired, indicted, or even publicly chastised. I think I read where a couple of people were re-assigned.
I wonder if Obama realizes that his statements, if one takes them at face value, might prove that he and Harp-I mean Eric Holder are not co-conspirators in a Federal crime, but also proves that they are a couple of incompetents who shouldn't be in charge of a middle school bathroom break, much less Federal Law Enforcement agencies?
I believe there were five Marx Brothers. I guess Biden could pass for Chico, although I don't believe he possesses the necessary intellect. I will figure out who Zeppo and Gummo are. Probably Reid and Pelosi, although she's a sister.
Dang, Mark, can't Obama just eat his waffle?